Monday, June 18, 2012

Guest post: Healthy Nutrition Tips for Pregnant Mothers

I am pleased to announce my very first guest post from Katie who blogs at Moore From Katie. She's written a great post about nutrition while being pregnant. But these are great tips for anyone! Enjoy!

Healthy Nutrition Tips for Pregnant Mothers

If you’re an expecting mother, you know that what you eat during pregnancy helps your baby grow and develop; committing to a balanced and nutritious diet goes with the territory. However, what constitutes a healthy diet for women in general is not sufficient during pregnancy.

When it comes to your diet, maintaining a healthy weight only means to add approximately 300 calories daily during the final two trimesters to accommadate your growing child. Before making too many changes to your diet, consult with your doctor. Not only will your doctor provide helpful information about your delivery options, like pain management and umbilical cord blood banking, but he or she should be apprised of all your small changes to your diet.

Dietary Needs During Pregnancy

Grains: Many women experience a drop in energy as they progress into their second and third trimesters. Getting the carbohydrates you need to keep your energy level normal is more important than ever during this time. Grains are a primary nutritional source of carbs, and whole grains are the most complete source for mid-pregnancy energy. Replacing white bread with whole wheat, white rice with brown and plain pasta with whole wheat varieties are healthy choices.

Vegetables: Pregnancy is a prime time to make your peace with leafy green vegetables. Red lettuce, broccoli and spinach provide folate, an essential nutrient in pregnancy. Even if you are taking folic acid, make sure to include these greens.

Fruits: Fruits provide a variety of vitamins that are important during pregnancy. To be sure that you get a well-rounded supply, eat a variety of your favorites and try new ones too. Remember that eating the fruit rather than drinking fruit juice provides more dietary fiber for digestion and fewer calories.

Protein: Your baby needs a constant source of protein to grow. Meat, chicken, seafood, eggs and legumes will deliver vitamins and iron to your baby.

Dairy: Your baby's bone and teeth development depends on your intake of calcium. Drinking low-fat milk with meals is a good habit. If you are lactose intolerant, try calcium fortified soy milk, yogurt and some cheeses (just make sure they are pasturized).

Water: Water helps the nutrients you eat reach your developing baby. It can also prevent or ease any constipation and swelling caused by pregnancy. A pregnant woman should drink about 10 cups of water or fluids a day.

By paying attention to good nutrition during pregnancy, you can give your baby what he or she needs to grow and develop. You can make some healthy changes to your diet that will not only be good for your baby, but good for your body as well.

Katie Moore has written and submitted this article. Katie is an active blogger who discusses the topics of, motherhood, children, fitness, health and all other things Mommy. She enjoys writing, blogging, and meeting new people! To connect with Katie contact her via her blog, Moore From Katie or her twitter, @moorekm26.

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