Tuesday, November 9, 2010

pink saur-saur and tink

Happy *WAY belated* trick-or-treating!

I hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween! I'm sure everyone, like me, LOVES to look at everyone's Halloween costumes every year. In fact, I LOVE to watch all of the TV daytime shows to see everyone's costumes. Since I did have to a doctor's appointment for Emma (plastic surgeon for her flat head-- I know, plastic surgeon?! Yes! And I wasted a lotta gas and $20 for the co-pay to be told she will be fine with her semi-flat head), as I was saying.... I missed all of the daytime TV shows because of the doctor's appointment. I did catch half of Kelly Ripa's show which was pretty cute.

Anyways! Ava was a pink saur-saur (dinosaur) and Emma was Tinkerbell. We trick-or-treated a day earlier at Blackhawk Plaza which is located in Danville and is very fru-fru. The girls and I were lucky enough to meet up with some of my friends from high school and their adorable kids!

Halloween evening, a whole slew of people showed up at our house for some pizza and we all headed out together. At one point, I think we had 11 kids with us! It was a blast! If you ever have a chance to go treat-or-treating with a group of kids- DO IT. They love it!
Here's the most of the crew we trick-or-treated with! Leah the kitty, Gavin the dinosaur, Ava the pink dinosaur, Emma as Tink, Corsten as Batman and Ayla as #2 of the three ladybugs! (Missing: our wonderful neighbors Nia, Layla and Gabriel and baby Mia as #3 ladybug.)

Enjoy! Now off to try and plan Thanksgiving dinner!

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