
Disneyland Money Saving Advice

Hello and welcome to my tips and tricks for a visit to Disneyland! As I write posts about ways to save on trips to Disneyland, they will be posted here. Like how to take a day trip to Disneyland with toddlers or where the water fountains are. If you are in need of thrifty and smart ways to save in Disney World, please visit one of my favorite blogs, It's All Good in Mommyhood. Jodie, the author, is a mother of four and took annual trips as a child and has taken her children too! I found great tips on her article about her FAQs, visit it here. * Disneyland in 12 hours with tots: If you have any ideas or questions, please feel free to e-mail me at irishtwinsmommablog at yahoo dot com.


  1. I dont see any advice here at all???? Am i in the wrong place?

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by! This chapter is new, and a work in progress. Check back soon!
