
Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Kids say some funny things. :) We all know that. Enough said.

Here's a recent conversation the girls recently had:

Emma: Goo, goo, ga, ga!!!! (In her pretend baby talk.)

Ava: That is not speak word, Emma!!!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Funny Friday

Today's funny is the Valentine's Day balloons that Ava has 'tied' to our bed... For the tooth fairy. ??? Ok, miss. :) What's the best part is when her 'tying' comes loose and she can't reach the string.

Maybe that's how I should deal with her upcoming dentist appointment with the dentist (includes conscious sedation---YIKES!).

She has been so funny and endearing lately. She knows her mama needs it. :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where's the Love? Wednesday

Where's the love? Well, this week has been a toughie. Our truck got hit while parked, pesky bugs were found that our home inspection agency missed when we bought our house, and Ava has two cavities.


So the love lies in my faith. My trust in God that He will provide and that everything will be okay.

Everything will be okay. We are all healthy and that is what matters.

Want to share the love? Visit Abby at Akers of Love!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Blogger alikes?

I started blogging to keep track of our lives with our girls. I read a lot of blogs.... In which some I look forward to new posts that make me smile, feel normal, or nod in agreement. And after reading lots of different blogs, I've noticed a lot.

* Some bloggers make a lot of money off of blogging and some do not. Whether it be ads posted on their Web sites or sponsored posts.

* Some bloggers are a lot alike. They write about the same things or in the same style.

* Sometimes I come across bloggers that want to be like a popular blogger without saying so. They use the same words or verbage like the popular one.

* It's important to comment back when someone leaves you a comment. Sometimes it may not be the case and I am confused by some bloggers who don't.

We are all in the same game. We like to write. We want to connect with people like ourselves. We want to share with the world how cool our lives are or how cute our kids are!

But why be someone you aren't, or copy someone with verbage or writing or ideas. I get it... Bloggers that make a lot of money are brilliant. At one point I wanted to make a lot of possible money by doing it. And then I connected with bloggers and firmed virtual friendships with them.

I found other bloggers/moms/dads that have Irish twins, twins, preclampsia, husbands that work late, SAHMs, etc. that I have connected with by a simple click. I didn't have to greet and make small talk with a mommy in the check out lane or park. I did so by googling or following other bloggers list of blogs they read.

And I am grateful. And grateful my eyes are no longer money hungry as they have found lasting e-friendships. And I just have to be myself.

Check out E-Licious

Months ago I won an e-book called E-Licious by Newlyweds Blogger, Jenna, from Helene at I'm Living Proof God Has a Sense of Humor. Thanks Helene!!! I love her blog (as it comes with lots of humor) AND we have become e-mail buddies and have bonded over our love of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice.

The book is easy to follow and I've made a couple of great dishes out of it including the Sticky Chicken and her nachos.

Check her e-book out and her blog. She has great menu planning ideas and yummy recipes.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Funny Friday

Kids say the funniest things, right? Most of the time they drive you insane, but sometimes they are funny....hilarious even.

Today, I start "Funny Friday." With a sentence, story, new word, or picture... Blog about it, link back to me or leave a comment with your "Funny Friday" (FF).

My FF just happened. Ava was jumping off the couch (I know, I'm a great mom) pretending to be a bird. She was flapping her wings (fingers and arms extended and wiggling) and jumping onto blankets on the floor. Emma was pretending to be a bird too, but landed and didn't move. Emma's scooter was next to her while she was laying there pushing the scooter around with her feet....not moving out of the way for the next bird landing. And Ava yells "THIS ISN'T A PARKING LOT, EMMA!!!"

And lastly, I will leave you with my Super Hero Ava. Armed with super hero glasses and a sword (bubble wand).

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love notes

I have been thinking all day about what to write about on Valentine's Day, and I came across this post at this blog, at Christina Williams blog. I don't know her personally, I think that's her blog's name.

Anyways, she wrote love notes for her family and I'm copying!!!

Emma: You my love are my snuggle bug. You love your mommy and only your mommy in the middle of the night. But are your daddy's snuggled bug on his days off. You are my last baby and I treasure all of the moments and milestones we hit and will hit. You know how to get your way with everyone and how to get your sister in trouble. I love how you always tend to your babies/dolls. I love you so much.

Ava: You are so special and a miracle. You amaze us with the things you can do and will do. You are an amazing big sister and an amazing little ballerina. I love how you draw and color and then draw some more. I love you so much.

Daddy: You are my partner, BFF, love and my soulmate. You stand by my side, even when I'm wrong. You allow me to be who I am and listen and support me in my dreams/ramblings. I couldn't be anymore luckier to have you as my husband, father to my children, and my lifelong BFF.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Where's the Love? Wednesday

The love this week is a picture that makes me laugh everytime I see it.

DR. EMMA!!!! She is great at diagnosing monkeys in your tummy and fishies in your ears.

Want to share the love? Visit Akers of Love here.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

10-4 Good Buddy for February

10-4 Good Buddy {February} (Akers of Love link up)

Abby at Akers of love, who also hosts Where's the Love? Wednesday, us starting a new link up called 10-4 Good Buddy. Check it out by visiting her first post.

Here we go! Here are my answers...

1. How long have you been blogging?

September of 2010

2. Why did you start blogging?

My office mate had a blog and read a lot of them and after getting addicted to reading many, I started one. I basically kept forgetting to update my girls' babybooks so I thought I would hit two birds with one stone and eventually print my blog out for them.

3. What is your favorite food blog?

The Pioneer Woman

4. What state do you live in?

Born and raised in California.

5. What are the first 5 things you do when you get up in the morning?

Take two little girls to the bathroom, use bathroom, get in bed to cuddle, go downstairs to get warm milk, check e-mail, blog and FB (I need to add in prayer too--thank you Abby).

6. What is your favorite picture from last

Look at the bottom (can't figure out how to post within post from my phone).

7. What is your favorite Pinterest find that you have actually created?

I created a string art wall organizer for all my kids' artwork from day care. (Again, look below or click here for the post).

8. Do you floss daily?

Every other day. I used to not ever, just a week before my dentist appointment. But then after having two kids, I started getting cavities (I guess after pregnancy your body releases toxins or calcium and it sometimes comes out through your teeth). I've had three so far. I never had a cavity until I was 29.

9. What is your favorite post that you wrote last month?

Duties of a SAHM

10. What is the last restaurant you went to?

A Japanese all-you-can eat buffet in a nearby city. I can't remember the name....something to do with a dragon. :)

Now play or visit Abby's post and read and get to know some other blogs that have played along.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Naps....a thing of the past

As I sit here in my Target parking lot, the girls are asleep and I am enjoying the quietness and my iced Americano.

Naps are a thing of the past. I really wish Emma would still take a snooze, but she won't. I've tried. It turns into party time for the girls. And if she does and I let it go long she is awake in her bed until at least 10-11 at night.

So I guess a thing that is tough with the girls being so close in age is that the youngest doesn't nap past 2 1/2. It turns into "I'm tired, we are tired" to "We aren't tired."

So I quietly enjoy my iced coffee in the car in the Target parking lot while strangers pass me and wonder what the heck I'm doing!