
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 30

Aren't you so happy this month is over?! That I will stop posting things that revolve around me and my thankfulness?!

Feel free to express how you really feel. I will below. ;)

I have a whole lot to me thankful for. I'm so blessed by my kids, husband, family, friends, job, etc.  And I will nos continue to practice it throughout the year, not just around Thanksgiving.

I am thankful too that November is over today. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 29

Today I am thankful for songs like:

"Don't! Don't! Don't bite your friends!"


"Clean up! Clean up! Everybody do their share!"

Makes life with these two better when they don't listen.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 28

Today I am thankful for vacation time and having two little girls to dress up in matching holiday dresses.
Today I got to pretend I was a SAHM amongst the rest of them. All while waiting in line to meet Santa in a very snooty city. We heard the Santa was better there than the one in the mall. And he was.

Due to a closed day care, I am playing SAHM. I'm not getting the things done that I had planned all weekend, but the start of my antibiotics should clear that up.

Oh and I'm thankful for my medical coverage and the ability to have phone doctor appointments while having the meds prescribed to another location within the coverage area. Zero copay and short drive!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 26 and 27

I have been fighting a nasty cold turned sinus infection, etc. So today is my double day. ;)

I am thankful that my girls get experience the magic of Christmas! Slowly decorating the house this weekend has been very exciting for them, and me.

Happy *beginning* of the holidays!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 25

Today I am thankful for my hard working (sales) husband. Black Friday and the days before and after are hell for him, yet he goes to work, works hard and comes home and plays with his kids. I couldn't do the job he does ... Which he does a great job at!

So if you are out shopping this weekend, please be nice to those sales people. They are exhausted.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 24

Happy Thanksgiving! In summary, I have a lot to be thankful and I give all thanks to God. I am thankful to be in such a loving family and to have all that I have. And for this blog and my handful if readers... Thank you for reading and chiming in when you do. It really makes my day. Like more than ice cream (and that says a lot).

Have a great day! Off to wash the Pioneer Woman's brine off Miss Turkey and place her gently into the warm oven.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 23

Today I am thankful that both girls are fever free in time for me to clean the house (like the queen is coming (my Grandma) which I learned from my mom) and cook/bake like a mad woman for Thanksgiving AND Black Friday for my husbands' crew at work.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 22

Today I am thankful for our day care provider. She runs a home day care and loves our girls just as much as their family does! While it is just two days a week, they have learned their ABCs, 123s, lullabies and even yoga! They understand Spanish and they learned to say "agua" which is used instead of the English version.

I can never thank her enough for the love and care my girls get (along side their cousins too!). We are truly blessed!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 21

Today I am thankful for little reminders of how important and special you are in your child's life. When life with toddlers (and two of them!) gets hectic or crazy with their newly learned skills (hello kicking/tantrums and 3-year-old attitude!), you must try and be patient and not yell or get angry.

Yesterday we had a long day with my mom. We weren't traveling with my other half of my family to the funeral in Utah. But the other half was together. We needed it.

Anyways, we had a long day and Emma was extremely tired. Falling asleep on the couch at 6 p.m. (no way Miss Little Emma Lou!) and not staying awake as propped her up in the chair at the dinner table. I got her to eat after giving her two candy corns (bad mom, I know- but I wasn't going to be up all night!), and the sugar rush got her to stay awake until we took the car ride home.

She was so upset when we got home and I put her to bed. She wouldn't stop crying or fussing. I tried Tylenol and warm milk. Back rubs. Everything.

I finally went to the old days and the old tricks to get a baby/child to sleep. I rocked her in the glider chair and whispered lullabies in her ear. That did it. And I sat there for at least 15 minutes after because I knew these times would be less and less as they get older.

It was kind of magical. That's what I'm thankful for. I have the energy/patience (sometimes) to look at the little toddler/baby things and breathe it all in. Before you know it, it's gone.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 20

Today I am grateful for drive-thrus. Traveling isn't ever fun or excting when the time passes from minutes- to hours- to days.

You can pack snacks galore, but when it comes down to it-- when you travel, you really want to experience that taste of fast food. The thrill of drinking your ice cold soda in the car and the smell of salty-crispy french fries. And the gas station coffee station. I'm really not sure why, but I get so excited for the choices that are put in front of me at a gas station coffee station.

And once the girls were out of infant carriers and it wasn't as easy to get them in and out for the occasional coffee. Drive thrus save my sanity!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

You (I) are (am) a winner!

YIPEE!!! I am a winner! I won these hair clips from Here We Go Again:
Are they the most adorable clips you've ever seen?! Thanks Jen!

Also, can you believe it?! I was a winner of another giveaway! I won an e-book called "E-Licious" by The Newlyweds author/blogger, Jenna, from one of my FAVORITE blogs, "I'm Living Proof That God Has a Sense of Humor," written by Helene.

What is even cooler about Helene and her blog, is that we recently noticed that we both live relatively close to one another in the Bay Area. And I am honored by winning this great e-book that will help me cook more for my family and more often, not relying on frozen chicken nuggets or the go-to can of Spaghetti O's.

You can buy it for $4.99 if it looks intriguing by clicking here (use HELENE20 for 20% off).

Thank you ladies, you truly made my week!

Thankfulness, Day 19

Today I am thankful for the bond of family. Whenever a life event happens, you are reminded of the bond that a family shares. You stick together like glue and all of the previous frustrations/fights/whatever disappear and you bond together to support one another.

Loosing someone to death is hard. It's always hard. Even if you were expecting it or not. It still stings and you go through the cycle of the 'grief emotions.'

Through reading blogs and witnessing the words being written about experiencing baby loss, pregnancy loss, child loss, parent loss, sibling loss; I tend to watch my words more carefully when writing or saying my condolences. I wouldn't of learned this without the blogging world. About what is proper to say without really hurting someone's feelings without knowing it.

When supporting my family during the loss of a great, wonderful man... who was my dad's brother and my favorite uncle, I have found that just offering physical/materialistic support is best. I don't want to say the wrong thing or mention how 'he's not hurting anymore' to those of my family members that were his children or wife, but traveling across states to be there to say goodbye is what matters.

The grieving loss feeling doesn't end there, it never ends. It just gets a bit easier as the hours or days or months pass by.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 18

Today I am thankful for coffee. Yes, coffee. Love it. Have to have it. Understand now why mommies need it. It allows you to escape for one moment of smelling the aroma and tasting the caffeine your body is begging for!

Everytime we are leaving or in the car approaching the drive-thru for coffee, my girls always ask "Mommy, do you need coffee?!" And yes, darling little loves, yes, mommy needs coffee. :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Today is World Preemie Day

I wouldn't say, "Happy World Prematurity Day!" but I will say, please read up on prematurity and the causes of premature babies. It happens a lot (13 million a year in the world) and we need more research on ALL causes.

I wear my "Cure Preclampsia" button on my blog page proudly because I was affected by it and so was Ava, being born premature. One in 12 pregnancies are affected preclampsia. One pregnant person you may see in a week, is affected by it. Isn't that scary?

What isn't scary is the amount of information available online about the subject which can help educate those who may not know they have it or might have it. Here are the 10 things you should be aware of in regards to preclampsia (and many of these I did experience before going to the hospital and delivering Ava) whether you know you have it or not:

10.          Headache
9.            Pain in upper right ribcage
8.            Swelling, particularly in your hands, face and ankles
7.            Visual disturbances
6.            Increased restlessness or irritability
5.            Persistent nausea and vomiting in the third trimester
4.            Significant shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
3.            Dark urine/protein in urine
2.            High blood pressure
1.            The feeling that something “just isn’t right”

 Souce: The Promise Walk for Preclampsia Blog

Thankfulness, Day 17

Today I am thankful for medicine. Modern medicine. OTC medicine, like the NyQuil I took last night to help me sleep. Third cold in a month and a half. Enough said. And for the tough and heart-breaking news I got last night about my dear uncle passing away (the meds helped me sleep from the cold and roughness). Please say a quick prayer for my entire family- we are all hurting over the pain of loosing someone close to us.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 16

Today I am thankful for the girls' Nana, Papa, Papa Abuelo, GG, Papi and all of their in-law grandparents. They all love my girls almost just as much as I do and we are so overly blessed for that.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


When Ava was in the NICU, it was important that she was swaddled so not that she was warm, but so her surroundings recreated the environment of my womb.

Preemie care is overly important. In my experience, I was given the opportunity to take a class at the hospital, before I was discharged, about preemie care. I didn't know what to expect, but I am so glad I went and learned about how to care for Ava and what to watch for in her signs of distress.

The thing I always remember when I see any baby (full term, preemie, etc.) is where their hands are. I was taught that the signs of a distressed baby is when their hands are stretched out away from their body and like they want to give you a high-five. It may look cute, but that baby is not comfy. I remember when the Octuplet mom was on TV and showing herself to the world via Dr. Phil, she went in the NICU showing the audience each baby. She would approach each isolette, say hello to the babies and reach her hands into them. She would stroke their heads... and immediately their hands will flail out and fingers would be stretched out into the high-five stance. This made me so mad. How could a mother of so many children, especially the EIGHT that were currently in the hospital-- and not get a clue to how to care for them?! Did not any of the nurses let her know this. I think not. (End of that rant!)

Kangaroo care was also very important. This is when you hold and bond with your baby skin-to-skin. To read more about it, click here. This is for mommies and daddies. When your baby in the NICU, this is the closest you get to be with your baby and I remembered sensing a calmness from Ava. It's also very important to hold your baby 'kangaroo' style when they are getting their feedings through their tube, so they associate feedings with warmth and mommy/daddy.

There are lots of other key things to preemie care, but these have been the ones on my mind and the ones I associate with Ava as a baby.

Thankfulness, Day 15

Today I am thankful for food and my love for it. (This may be a petty post, but Thanksgiving is almost here-- and it is, a holiday for eating and being thankful). I may be over weight and may over indudge when it's dessert time-- but without my love for food, I wouldn't get to experience life in a fabulous way!

My husband has taught me a lot about food. I never liked garlic or onions or spicy things and definitely not sushi-- before I met him.

Today in my Things Pinterest Made Me Do blog, I posted a fabulous and delicious recipe that takes me back to when I was in high school. Two words: Zebra Bars. Go... go check out the recipe!!! I promise you chocolate and cheesecake.

Some people are having a really tough time with finances and putting food on their tables for Thanksgiving, or dinner any night of the week. Scary Mommy is doing a great thing-- she is asking for her readers to help provide funding for half of a Thanksgiving meal, $25. If you are interested, leave a comment on this post and she will be sure to contact you (leave your e-mail with your comment).

Monday, November 14, 2011

World Prematurity Day is Nov. 17

Did you know that World Prematurity Day is Nov. 17? I just found out and would like to celebrate the day with spreading knowledge.

I follow Project Sweet Pea on my blogroll and on Facebook and was alerted about World Prematurity Day. I will celebrate Ava, her health and the little miracle that she is.

If you visit Project Sweet Pea's Web site, you will see that they are a project that offers gift packages for NICU parents and family members. They have a great list of resources and local projects that you can support, or make your own! Also, on the site you can request a gift package, by clicking here.
About three months old (one month adjusted).

A little tid bit: Every year 13 million babies are born prematurely worldwide. One million of these babies will die. Those babies that do survive often face lifelong struggles, including cerebral palsy, developmental delays, chronic lung disease and vision and hearing loss.
Source: Project Sweet Pea's Facebook page post.

Thankfulness, Day 14

Today I am thankful that God blessed me with Emma in the most shocking way!

It made my girls best friends early in life. Playmates since day one. Just look at them!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 13

Today I am thankful for lazy mornings in bed with cuddling and warm cups of milk.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 12

Today I am grateful for all of the toys that are piled up in the toy box, flowing over the toy box, and the ones that have been thrown, tossed or dropped across the playroom.
I tend to realize that I keep all of these toys because I want my girls to have every single toy I wanted as a little girl that I didn't get to have. I remember. The play kitchen and all of its accessories. Dolly diapers. Over 10 dress-up dresses and more!
So cheers to cleaning out the playroom today! We're going to be battling a lot over what they need and/or don't need to keep (if they catch me- that is!) before Santa makes his way to our house.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 11

Today I am thankful for all of the service men and women that protect our country everyday, either on U.S. ground or overseas. We take this for granted and only until we are directly effected, do we think about it.
So thank you. Thank you to everyone who has served and who is serving.
And should I be so unique to say: God bless America!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 10

Today I am thankful for my health. I may have issues of being overweight, high blood pressure and now I may have to wear glasses all of the time. But, I am healthy. I have both legs, both arms, fingers, hearing, etc. so that I can raise my family and take care of them.

Things like that I take for granted, I will not anymore.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 9

Today I am thankful for my job. It's really the ideal situation with a mommy with two young kids (part time SAHM) and I'm good at it (been there for six years).

And during these tough times, I am employed and blessed with medical benefits.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 8

Today I am grateful for my friends. All of you!!!!! My best friends, my childhood friends, my mommy friends, blogging friends, and my family-friends.

Without you, I wouldn't have the strength, patience or calm head-- if you weren't there to pick up the phone when I called, responded to my annoying responding-texts at 3 a.m. when I'm up with a sick baby, or hung out with me when I desperately needed it.

Girlfriends are the best medicine. And I'm so lucky to have all of you in my life!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 7

Today I am thankful for my siblings. They are great. They don't make things TOO complicated and they love my kids!!
We are two years apart; I am the oldest, I have a little brother who just turned 30 (old little man!) and I have a little sister.
Even if you aren't reading this-- I love you both so much and am grateful we like each other. ;)

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 6

Today I am thankful for my parents. Especially my mom. It is so true when they say you become so close to your mom when you move out, get married and have babies.
My mom is my best friend. She is my go to when I need parenting advice, and she is the best Nana!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 5

Today and everyday, I am thankful for my faith in God. He guides me, forgives me and loves me.... And the person I have to thank for teaching me is my mom. She taught me how to pray and taught me about Jesus and lead me to life with Jesus.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 4

Today I am thankful for my house, the roof over my head and warm blankets. To protect my family from the cold ... including those pesky pets of ours. :)
With our house... I am so thankful that we were able to find the perfect house for us, have our offer excepted and all of the loan papers go through perfectly. And I am thankful that everyday, after a long commute we love it and the kids love it.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 3

Today I am thankful for my two beautiful children. I always wanted to have a girl.... And I have been blessed with two. I am thankful that they are healthy, best friends and my little best friends.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thankfulness, Day 2

Today I am thankful for my husband. I am thankful that I met him, kissed him, accepted his offer to be his wife, married him and then made two beautiful babies with him.
Without him I wouldn't have any of the treasures I have today or the wisdom that I have learned during our nine years together.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

30 days of Thankfulness, Day 1

I am joining many of my friends on Facebook, 30 Days of Thankfulness. Join me? You could post a sentence, picture or whatever floats your boat.

Today I am thankful for my health and my families' health.

When Ava was in the hospital I truly learned the meaning of that statement. With health, you have everything. Life is precious and sickness shouldn't remind you of that.

Happy November everyone!

The crazy pastries: strawberries and blueberries... oh my!

Halloween night was a blast!

Ava was a great Blueberry Muffin and Emma rocked the Strawberry Shortcake charm.